Apply now for a spot in the "Land Your Man™ Program. If accepted in the program you will receive access to our exclusive private training. The training covers how to attract the man of your dreams and be on the path to marriage within 12 months or LESS


Attract your dream man and be on the path to marriage within 12 months or less...

Become successful at love and inspire men to marry you without the heartbreak and giving up your values and faith in the process

Apply now

As seen in

3 things I WISH I knew when I first started my dating for marriage journey

1️⃣ Preparing to be a wife before knowing how to date will leave you single and frustrated.

FACT: I wasted months trying to prepare to be a wife and my love life felt like a desert because I didn’t know how to date and attract the right kind of men.

2️⃣ Trying to lead with your accomplishments and things you have achieved does not inspire men to pursue you, it causes them to go the other way.

FACT: Instead of sharing who I was with a man authentically I would share my accomplishments and things that I was working on achieving in my life and this would cause conversations to die out.. quickly.

3️⃣ I didn’t have a plan and goals for my love life.

FACT: I created goals for every other area of my life, except my love life. Because I did not have goals for my love life the fear would always creep in that I would be single forever. I lacked clarity in my love life and therefore I lacked confidence in dating.

As a high-achieving Christian woman, all you need to know is how to:

🔥 Date confidently for marriage
🔥 Connect with men emotionally to inspire them to pursue you
🔥 Have clear goals and a plan for how you’re going to date for the marriage of your dreams.

🎉These were the steps I took to become engaged to the man of my dreams within 6 months of dating.

My love life completely shifted once I learned how to implement these things and now I am married to an amazing man and we are able to break generational curses, build a godly legacy, and create generational wealth together.

You could attract godly marriage-minded men with ease......

You knew how to communicate with men in a way that inspires them to quickly make you their wife....

you had a step-by-step plan to go from single to engaged in as early as a year....?

You were able to own your worth and walk out who God says you are so that you could date with confidence....

High-quality men are attracted to you like a magnet because you
exude confidence and

Well.. this is your lucky day because... 

just imagine...

D. moore

"Land Your Man™!" Program

You're invited to join the 

This is your blueprint to attracting the godly man of your dreams with ease 

The "Land Your Man™" Program is the blueprint for
you to be on the path to marriage within 12 months or less..

You will learn absolutely EVERYTHING you need to
know to reach your relationship goals like...

Choosing the right man, navigating your emotions, 
setting the right relationship goals, attracting 
high-quality men, 
feminine communication that inspires men to pursue) through our outlined curriculum.


High-achieving single Christian women are told to just "wait on God" for their man and has been keeping too many women single for YEARS.. but not you, sis because I want to give you the blueprint to attracting the man of your dreams with ease

Here's how it works


Pillar 2 (How to identify the one)

Through our "Automatic Confidence Reprogramming 
, you will discover powerful, scientifically
proven automatic reprogramming techniques to
level-up your inner mindset and the way that you see
yourself. so by the end YOU'RE on
fire! You will ask yourself who doesn’t want to date me?? You feel absolutely unstoppable ...the coolest thing is
you don’t even know how it happened..suddenly you
woke up like this and are attracting high-quality godly men left and right!

We are going to give you a strategic set of questions that you can ask on your very first coffee date, so that you
will immediately know if this man qualifies for you or
doesn't. These questions are super easy and super chill. So you don't waste any of their time or your precious
These are the exact words that will cause men to fall in
 love with you

You're going to get the most killer premarital training
that were to ever exist on the internet! In this VIP day we are going to map out your plan for an amazing online presence so that you can attract high-quality godly men instantly. We are also going to work on feminine communication so that you’re set up for a lifelong marriage once you attract the man of your dreams so
….husband opens up to you
….navigate through conflicts
….and have amazing communication with the man of
your dreams

And after this training, you are going to be completely marriage ready in one day or less in this VIP day. So that
by 12 months you are engaged, married, or on the path
to getting married.


Hey, I'm Khalea

I'm Khalea Cooper, a relationship coach and I've helped 100's of women position themselves for a godly marriage.
I am all about godly relationships . I've been married to the love of my life for going on four years BUT....

The path was far from easy, and I openly share my trials and tribulations of overcoming a toxic three year relationship, Low self-esteem… making it nearly impossible to have the confidence to attract the man of my dreams and live out the life I knew God called me to.

Now I'm on a mission to help high-achieving single Christian women attract the man of their dream, and have a future marriage that makes hell nervous!


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


What's Included In The lAND yOUR mAN pROGRAM?

LIFETIME ACCESS TO "Land Your Man™" Curriculmn

3 MONTHS OF group coaching calls

Once you join "Land Your Man™", you’ll have lifetime access to all
the content.

Even after the 3 months of
support, the educational
resources will be here for regular review for every step of your

Each month we'll have high level coaching calls to discuss your PERSONALIZED dating strategyand overcome any mindset blocks that are holding you back from your highest results. (MAINTAINING a powerful mindset is more important that you REALIZe when it comes to dating for marriage!)  

our Dating for marriage journey can feel lonely at times BUT it
doesn't need to be.
When you join the "Land Your
Man™" Program you will be welcomed into an amazing
like-minded community of
women who
are cheering you on.

Private client-Only Community With Daily Check-ins



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 No more wondering, fearing and
overthinking if you’re navigating
your love life the right way.

Simply follow our step-by-step blueprint, take action, show up for yourself, ask questions, and the beautiful transformation and
magic happen!



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"But Khalea, I've already tried mentorship programs, reading books and attending singles conferences, but none of it has worked for me"
 I get it, and understand your frustration..

Let me tell you how "Land Your Man™" Program is different from anything you have ever tried before..

"Land Your Man™" is the only program that shows you exactly how to attract the man of your dreams and be on the path to a future marriage that makes hell nervous!

+ Be confident in your ability to date and have the marriage you've always dreamed about
+ Have every skill, tool, and resource you need to have a fun, epic, and joyous forward-moving journey towards marriage.
+ Know exactly how to choose the right man for you that you can build a thriving God-centered life with

Hold Up, Maybe You're Thinking




Went on her first date in over 10 years after being in the program 🎉


" I am in a relationship with an amazing man... I am loving it and enjoying myself" - Emily

High-Achieving single Christian women who has been successful in every other area of her life BUT her love life

Have tried other programs, therapy, reading books, and listening to podcast to reach her relationship goals but still don't know how to implement the info. 

You're committed to reaching your goals of marriage and ready to take action RIGHT NOW, not next month or next year

This PROGRAM is designed for women who ARE...

Ready to meet your future husband within a year or less?? 


KAMRYN - Happily Married "I learned not to rush the process and to enjoy every aspect of my single season." When Kamryn joined
the program, she was dating her now husband and shortly after got engaged. She is now happily married and a mother to a beautiful
baby boy.

the program, she was dating her now husband and shortly after got engaged. She is now happily married and a mother to a beautiful
baby boy.

Kamryn - Happily Married

Will I really get the support I need in a group program vs. 1:1?

Absolutely! Not only will you get the support you need, most clients get better support, as the structure of the program encourages consistent, autonomous action and accountability instead of over-reliance on the next coaching call, which is often an unintentional consequence of 1-on-1 coaching. In other words, you get our blueprint curriculum and our coaching calls that fosters a community environment for growth and success. Our clients love it!

How long will I have access to the program, content
and support?

You will receive 5 months access to the coaching calls and support and
lifetime access to the curriculum so
that even after the program is over
you will always be able to go back to
the curriculum and get a refresher.

What happens after I

We will review your application and
let you know if you have been
accepted into the program or not. We carefully review every application that comes through and hand pick each applicant.

still got questions?

Danielle -Happily Dating "Before joining the program I was in a desperate pursuit for the perfect man to come, but this program
changed me from chasing "the one" to becoming the one. Khalea
helped me identify soul ties, (good and bad) and tear them up at
the root. As of today I have no remaining soul ties with anyone!
I'm a free individual."


" This program changed my life" Leslie went through the program and is now in an amazing godly relationship with a man that pursues her like crazy

Leslie- Happily dating

KAMRYN - Happily Married "I learned not to rush the process and to enjoy every aspect of my single season." When Kamryn joined
the program, she was dating her now husband and shortly after got engaged. She is now happily married and a mother to a beautiful
baby boy.

Kamryn - Happily Married

There are generations attached to what God desires to do in and through your future
Every day that you put off not making your love life a priority is pushing you further
away from the love that you deeply desire to have in your life.

No more compromising your faith and values, wasting time, and going through silly
games in your love life. Discover the art and elegance of confidently dating for marriage and easily attract the man of your dreams ...apply now!


Now is the time, sis..

Apply now