How Your Level of Confidence Dictates The Kind of Men You Attract
Want to know why you keep falling for the same kind of man over and over?
It’s because of the way you feel about yourself.
You keep telling yourself that all men are the same instead of dealing with the reason WHY you keep entertaining those low-quality men.
You may have tried surface-level things like trying to look better to increase your confidence but it hasn’t worked because the real issue is the wounds that you refuse to heal from.
Surface-level things are not going to fix the way you feel about yourself.
If you want real change in your life, you must go to the places of you that are broken that you’re scared to go to.
You need to identify the root of why you feel the way that you do and heal from it.
Until you do this you will continue to entertain and attract the same kind of men
.And if you want help to increase your confidence and date with confidence join my free workshop and I’ll show you my simple, effective, step-by-step plan on how to do just that!
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